This was the first project of my second year of Graphic Design. We had to do a typography/quotes book consisting of 10 double page spreads. The 1st page is for my quote and the rest is for 9 classmates. My concept was Type Scene (like Crime scene) where I had the quote as the victim and the weapon of murder is the typography.
This is the 1st double page spread (Me)
This is the 2nd double page spread (Stephanie)
This is the 3rd double page spread (Kaylee)
This is the 4th double page spread (Kate)
This is the 5th double page spread (Denieme)
This is the 6th double page spread (Kishalya)
This is the 7th double page spread (CJ)
This is the 8th double page spread (Guy)
This is the 9th double page spread (Paulo)
This is the 10th and final double page spread (Jared)
This is the front and back cover of the book,
Where the type (BEAT) is the front.